November 11, 2007

Best Friend

Best Friend. How many of you really understand the meaning of this word?? Me, myself don’t really get the meaning until few weeks ago. Yeah well hopefully it’s the right one ya.

For me personally, friendship is more than a word. I take it as intimacy. True friendship can be told when there’s a storm coming towards it. All sweet words & promises our friend said, will be test that time. A true friend will never leave their mate when all the masks are open. When they know the truth (even it’s painful), they’ wont leave their friend. Ps Jose said “a true friend is the one who comes, when the whole world has gone out”

Anger, madness, disappointed is recipe on friendship. Best friend will ‘kick each other’ when one gets into the wrong way. Don’t be afraid to tell the truth if ur mate make mistake. That’s a healthy friendship!

Best fren will always stand beside you no matter what. They accept you, despite who you are. If u makes mistakes, after you admit it, they will 4get it as ocean wipe out footprints in the sand. If u past ur dessert, they’ll stand, and help you pass the ‘heat’. They’ll comfort you, support you, give u love as much as they can give.. All just to show they’re with you.

I got these great words from GFresh magazine. A word FRIENDS can be describing like this:

F – Fulfilling each other’s need
R – Reconcile soon after bickering
I – Inspiring one another
E – Encourage one another
N – Nice, but don’t be too nice
D – Don’t nag too much
S – Share your success and failure

I once watched a movie (I forget the name…hehehe). In one dialogue it said like this “In friendship & love, there’s always someone who loves more”. And I do believe in that! It has deep meaning, and I’ve experienced it. Looks not fair, but that’s the way it goes. Fulfill each other so can be complete. A wise man once wrote like this “A friend loves at all times, and a brother born for adversity”.

Now, I’ve found my best fren. He never leaves me. He never gets boring listening to my stories. He always 4gives every sins I had done. I love knowing that He is always near to me. He promised that He will always be with me. And His love never let me go…“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends”

Love in Christ

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