January 01, 2008

Welcome 2008

Ahhh, Happy New Year 2008 guys! Ga’ kerasa kita uda masuk ke tahun yang baru. Gile ya waktu itu cepet banget berlalu. The 1st of January has started with new resolution’s. Biasanya kita sibuk membuat goal-goal baru. Set tujuan apa yang mo dicapai. Ga’ ketinggalan menyesali apa yang uda terjadi di tahun lalu, and berjanji tuk get better di tahun yang baru.

January is always a month for people to set their goal. Sampe-sampe terlalu sibuk and lupa hal lain yang lebih penting. Guys, how about this year, we focusing all our mind and energy to “goals” yang lebih bersifat “selfless”, ato bahasa gampangnya ga’ egois. Selama ini kita cenderung lebih mikirin diri kita sendiri, semuanya “tentang gue aja”. Perlahan tapi pasti kita uda jadi orang yang self-centered. Tanpa kita sadarin perlahan hati kita menjadi calloused. To prevent that, maybe we should set higher goals to help others around us. Bentuk bantuan kita ga’ melulu uang. We can help others by giving love, prayer, and support.

But wait, what can we change? First, let’s change our attitude. Coz, attitude determines our latitude. Gimana kita mo ngubah orang lain sedangkan kita-nya aja masih gablek?? We better take out every trash in our heart. Ask help from Holy Spirit to clean our heart. Jangan sampe kalian jadi orang munafik, yang keliatan baik di depan orang tapi di dalam kalian busuk. Ka Sidney talked about Philipians 2:14-15a: “In everything you do, stay out from complaining and arguing. So that no one can speak a word of blame against you.” Ayat ini bicara tentang our attitude in life.

Masuk tahun yang baru, stop ngeluh and ribut sama orang.Don’t live our lifes complaining and arguing, instead living it to the fullest to help and serve others. Start calling your friends. Say “I love you” to your loved ones and friends more often than last year. Make everyone around you laugh and smile more often by your presences. Always make jokes to people around you, do silly things to them. Light up everyone’s life by shining brightly like a star. I don’t care how you do it, JUST DO IT J

Make this year different. By serve and help others you’ll find peace that you never found before. Break the rules that need to be break. Forgive others quickly. Never regret anything, coz surely the best is yet to come! Be more giving, more loving, more friendly, more passionate, more humble, and more fun to be around with!
Happy new year to you all!!

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