January 10, 2008

Help! I'm Stress!!

Seminggu ini hidup gw hectic banget. Suddenly, ada satu kerjaan yang ga’ pernah gw pikirin, tiba-tiba masuk dalam hidup gw yang uda perfect. On top of everything, I have to lead it. Salah satu kejelekan gw adalah ga’ bisa manage waktu dengan baik. My schedule is so tight! Saking padatnya, gw cuma bisa ketawa pas liat itu semua. I almost don’t have quality time with all the ones that I love.

Karena ga’ bisa manage waktu dengan baik, gw jadi kurang makan and tidur. Sampe akhirnya, DL gw negur, and badan gw sendiri uda berontak coz it reached the limit. Waktu gw share ma DL gw yang di Rawamangun, he just said, “don’t take the burden that isn’t yours. Jelek-jeleknya yauda tutup aja, it’s better than you destroy your life.” Sedangkan DL gw yang di Gading bilang, “If you don’t like the job, don’t take it! Don’t do things that you don’t like. Your health is more important.”

They were rite! I take the responsibility coz it concerns family business, and in our tradition, the heir must take care of it. Honestly, I don’t like it, coz it’s not my talent. When I take the responsibility, it proves it just make my life become more hectic than ever! I become stressful coz I take part that don’t belong to me – coz I didn’t obey what my spirit said. I do it coz of peer pressure.

Yang bikin gw tambah stress adalah perkataan dari seseorang yang bilang kalo he can’t trust such a big contract in the hands of young girl – coz I’m different with my brother. Aih, come on!!! I really hate when people compare me with him. OK, I really honor him, with all my heart. He’s one of the great leaders I’ve ever met. All this time I had been trying to be like him. But then I realize I can’t. Coz what?? Because I’m not him.

Our style in leadership is completely different. Koko tipe orang yang “Ngemong”. Dia lembut and hangat. Semua kebijaksanaan dia bener-bener luar biasa. Dia selalu tenang dalam hadepin semua masalah. He gained people trust completely from zero, sampe akhirnya dia bisa terkenal. BUT, I am different. Gw tipe yang tegas and keras. Ga’ jarang kalo gw lagi hectic, emosi gw ikut terlibat. Gw masih terus belajar tuk stay calm in every situation, gimana sih berkepala dingin. See, in leadership, we’re totally different. No matter how hard I try to ‘chase’ him, I could never be like him. That’s why I really hate when people compare us. I am who I am!!

But then, God sent “an angel” to remind me. She said, “We couldn’t always get what we want. Sometimes things don’t always go the way we plan. If he can’t trust you, it’s OK. Coz trust is needed to be proved. We must see people from their goodness. You’re so young. Smile and get up.” Guys, I am so lucky coz I am surrounded by lot of “angels”!! That’s one reason why I love them J

Yeah, I am still young. Still have lots of change to prove I can do things that people think I can not. I must learn to know which burdens I need to take are, and which I must let go. Sometimes it’s hard to let go something that is worth (as we think it is), but we have to. Coz if you take something that ain’t belong to you, it just gonna make you stuck.

P.S: Thanx for my beloved DATE Leaders (Ricky & Vita). You guys rock!! Love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cen, u're a great leader koq. hny saja lu ga bs lht itu. yg bs liat kan org lain.
and lg gaya kepemimpinan lu sm ko2 hmpr mirip. bd-nya lu tegas & msh pake emosi. lu itu bijaksana lg, klo ga mana mgkn pd betah.
ga ush pk stres deh. lu tuh kuat, and jg pinter banget. klo lu sabar pst Tuhan bkl bw lu naik lbh tinggi lg, ok!