January 01, 2008


Bo, gw itu movie maniak banget deh. Tapi hanya film yang berkualitas yang gw tonton lho. Salah satunya film seri 24. Asli, gw lagi gandrung banget sama film ini. Ga’ sabar pengen cepet-cepet session 7 keluar. Film seri ini TOP abiess!! Malah pernah gw nonton bener-bener 24 jam, itu pas di session 2. Bener-bener 24 jam full, gw break cuma tuk makan and ke WC aja. Makan pun di kamar. Sampe nyokap gw marah-marah…hahaha.

Gw belajar beberapa hal dari film ini. Jack Bauer is a good leader. Cinta banget sama keluarganya. Komitmen and setia sama kerjaan-nya, meski ga’ jarang nyawa dia jadi taruhan. Kalo kata ka Sidney, there is 10 things we can learn from Jack Bauer, on how to be a good leader:

1. A leader knows his vision and purpose. Tujuan kehidupan kita harus punya titik tujuan yang kita bilang ‘I wanna go there’. A leader has to know where to go in order for people to follow where he leads.
2. A Leader knows his value. A leader knows how important his position. He doesn’t have to tell others that he is a leader, coz people will know it.
3. A leader always inpire other. It’s about relationship 70% of our daily life we spend it with people. Our sadness and happiness relates to people around us.
4. A leader has long range perspective. Seorang pemimpin harus bisa liat jauh ke depan. Ask urself in every single thing, “apa yang saya lakukan ini bijaksana?”
5. A Leader challenges a status quo. A good leader always say, “WE CAN DO BETTER.” Seorang pemimpin yang baik ga’ akan puas dengan yang biasa-biasa aja. Always challenge urself to get better.
6. A leader understands that leadership is a team. It takes a team to make a dream work. And it takes a good leader.
7. A leader is original. Don’t be a copy. Just be urself. But if do want to copy, make sure you copy it right, and make it better. If you copy somebody, make sure you copy someone better than you.
8. A leader uses every resource available. A good leader adalah mereka yang tau bahwa dia butuh hal-hal lain yang bisa bantu dia dalam hidupnya. We’ve to build ourself dengan resources yang ada di sekeliling kita.
9. A leader understands the meaning of sacrifice and suffering. Jangan pernah takut sama kata-kata penderitaan. Remember, no sacrifice, no victory.
10. A leader always wants to improve himself. Never stop learning. Challenge urself. We can always be better.

1 Corinthians 9:26 Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air.

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