January 10, 2008

Deep Of Your Grace

Di pertemuan DATE Rabu kemarin, Kak Vita share something yang bagi gw bagus banget. She talked about Grace. According to what Ps Jose said, grace is something that costs the one who receives it nothing, but costs the one who give it everything. Grace/kasih karunia adalah kemurahan dan kebaikan dari Tuhan yang kita terima, bukan karena perbuatan dan hasil kerja kita dan tidak ada yang dapat kita lakukan untuk membalas kebaikan Tuhan tersebut.

When do we receive grace? Specifically, when Jesus came to this world, and died at the cross for us. And because of that, we receive HIS grace everyday of our life, in every breath that we take, every move that we make. Can you guys ever imagine, what would it be if Jesus didn’t come to this world??? Meniru kata kak Vita, kalo Tuhan ga’ pernah dateng ke dunia, kita uda pasti mati punya cerita (duh, cina banget ga’ seh?! Hahaha).

God’s grace in our life could never be count, it has no limit. For me personally, God’s grace in my life can be described from my fave Bible’s verse. John 10:28 said “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.” Sejak gw bertobat, berkat Tuhan ga’ pernah berhenti ngalir dalam semua aspek kehidupan gw. And berkat ayat itu, gw semakin ngerti tentang how great is HIS love for us. Berawal dari situ, gw mulai belajar tuk nyalurin grace itu sama orang lain.

You know, grace seharusnya membuat kita menjadi orang yang gracious/generous. Butuh latihan tuk jadi orang baik. Dengan mendemonstrasikan kebaikan, kita bisa menunjukkan kasih karunia Tuhan dalam hidup kita. Itu semua butuh tindakan nyata, ga cuma OmDo (omong doank). Ga’ harus tunjukkin dalam moment tertentu, but do it everyday. Contohnya, kalo naik angkot, say thank you sama supirnya pas bayar. Bisa juga senyum sama OB kita di kantor. Ato ga’ bilang good morning sama orang yang kita temuin di kantor. Hal kecil yang kita lakuin bisa tanpa sadar menjadi “angin segar” bagi mereka yang punya beban di bahunya. Siapa tau kita bisa bikin mereka cheer up dari persoalan yang mereka hadapin. You’ll never know. So start to be gracious.

These are song from Hillsong, composed by Mia Fieldes. This song tells us how deep God’s grace for our life is. And I do really love this song

You are my Shepherd / giving what I could not afford
Leaving the many / You sought to find me Lord
I will remember / You are the reason for my song
Blessed Redeemer / You love me as Your own

In the deep of Your Grace
All my sins are washed away
Here I know the power of forgiveness
Here I now the power of Your blood

All I am will I lay down
All I am / before Your cross

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