February 12, 2008

Happy Valentines

Well...well...well, Valentines day tinggal besok nih. Di hari itu akan ada jutaan orang yang ngomong “I love you” dengan cara mereka masing-masing. Mulai dari coklat, puluhan bunga mawar, kartu Valentine, candlelight dinner di resto yang romantis, bahkan sampe hang-out bareng untuk para jomblo-ers…hahaha. Kalo hari Valentine rasanya love is in the air deh. Semua-nya serba romantis. Hampir di semua tempat berwarna pink. But, do you guys really understand the meaning of LOVE?? I may not the best person that can describe the meaning of it, I may also do not know anything about love, but I wanna share what I have in mind J

I really like what Ka Sidney said in Breaking this month. He said that love is not a ‘feeling’ but an action. Kasih adalah sebuah kata kerja, but love is an action. More than that, love is a responsibility. Love is ALWAYS about giving. When I read that, it’s just like… WOW!! For me personally, love berarti kita selalu mendahulukan kepentingan orang lain daripada kepentingan kita sendiri. Love means care. Love means, I laugh with you when you’re laugh, and when you cry…you always have my shoulder to cry. Love means, no matter how far I am from you, if you need me then I’ll be there. Love is more than just hugs and holding hands. Love is more than just saying ‘I love you’. Love needs to be proved and show. Action of love speaks louder than words of love.

My friends always say that I’m one of the most romantic girl they ever met (gw getu lho…hahaha), but I don’t think so. I haven’t given the best to the ones I love. Apalagi waktu-waktu sekarang ini yang aku menjadi sibuk banget. Bahkan Kak Vita sampe bilang kalo aku gila kerja…hahaha. Aku jadi kurang memperhatikan orang-orang yang aku sayangi. And it’s so hard for me to find quality time with all the ones I love. All the cares and loves I can give so far are by SMS and phone. For me, itu bukanlah sebuah action daripada kasih yang aku punya tuk mereka yang aku kasihi. Love that I have is much greater than that…hahaha.

Ps Jose said that LOVE and SACRIFICE is two main components in true relationship. They can’t be separated. When you love someone you’ll sacrifice anything for their happiness. If you love someone, all you want to do is make them happy, even it’s gonna cost you something. Why would I do that?? Coz God had taught me how to love when HE sacrificed Himself at the cross.
‘For God so loved the world that HE gave His only Son…’ Love is GOD Himself.

I really hope in this Valentines we can celebrate it with a real love. Celebrate it with your parents, your spouse, your boy/girlfriend; you best friends, and your loved ones. I don’t care how you do it, as long as you can show them how much you care and love them. Spread the love guys!!

Last but not least, Happy Valentines Day!

With Love,


Anonymous said...

Happy valentines ya. sowi tlat ngucapin. how was ur day?? did u spend it sm koko "E"???????
btw gw suka bgt sm blog lu yg ini. inpirational bgt!! dpt ilham dr gunung mana cen???hahahaha

Anonymous said...

gile bo, tulisannya ga nahan!!!
lu ngerendah apa emg kg nyadar sih?? dr tulisan lu aja org bs tau lu romantis apa kg.
tp tulisan lu yg ini keren bgt. luapan hati nih neng?! :p